Sunday, April 15, 2007

Bird 35

Bird 35
Gender: Unknown (suspect Male)
Birth date: March 30, 2007
Preferred Partner: Sweetie (Bird 59) They hung out briefly towards the end of the summer.

Bird 35 was just recently born to Isis (Bird 25) and Bird 20. He is sibling to Mustache (Bird 45), and Birds 46 and 47 are younger siblings.

It is interesting to watch their personalities and notice how different they are at such a young age. At first, Mustache seemed to protect Bird 35, but Bird 35 is not shy (despite the cute hiding of his face from the camera below!) and doesn't seem to need any protection. The first day I put them on the ground to walk around, I really didn't expect them to actually walk around (based on the fact that 73 and 74 did not at the same size). But 35 took off! Even in the picture above, he did not sit still. I placed him on the mat you can see in the background and he waddled over to the sheet he is sitting on.

These two pictures of him in my hand were taken the day before. He is almost two weeks old here.

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