Sunday, April 22, 2007

Guidelines for Care of the Lab

Here are some tips for keeping the lab in good working order:
For EAB lab students:

Don't move the 500g weight on the scale (it should be on the outside notch)

Clean the table of all your birds droppings after shaping sessions.

Replace the butcher paper in the operant chamber if there are more than a few droppings on it.

Check the level of the food in the hopper. If you can't feel it, fill it.

Always give your bird fresh water (don't just fill the cup up)

Last person of the day turn off all equipment - especially the operant chamber fans.

Consider 80% of free-feeding weight the absolute minimum. Most of the birds will work fine around 90%.

If you have emptied the food pitcher, refill it for the next student team. If you have emptied the can, refill it with a new bag. If you have opened the last bag, email Dr. Potter at and let Dr Hesse know that food is low.

Also email Dr. Potter or Dr. Hesse if any supplies such as hand soap, paper towels, garbage bags, rubber gloves, or surgical masks are about to run out.

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