Thursday, April 12, 2007

Bird 58

Bird 58
Gender: Male
Birth date: Unknown (from the older group)
Preferred Partner: Bird 64

The pigeons are very good about taking turns sitting on the eggs. I caught Bird 58 taking his turn today on bird 64's egg.

I don't know much about this bird either. I am glad that he has lead the way in socializing with the newer group of birds. If this egg hatches and survives, it will be the first with a parent from both groups (so far the four newborns are all descendants of the new group).

The pigeons have been laying eggs in pairs. Bird 58 and 64 had two but one has been rejected or accidentally rolled out of the nest. This is a picture of it in my hand so that you can see how small they are. I would estimate they are about half the size of chicken eggs.

Update! Birds 58 and 64 have successfully hatched two young pigeons! See Bird 64's post for a picture of the pair at a week old. They are Birds 55 and 65.

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